Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kickstarter Update #18: New Card and Production Timeline

Hello everyone! I wanted to take a minute and catch everyone up on the status of the project.

Things are going very well. Campbell is knee deep in illustrations as we speak. All cards have been sketched. Many have been inked and others have been colored. I am thrilled with the way these have turned out and can't wait to share them all. For now, here's one that I really love.

Campbell has a way of taking 4 words and making exactly what I was thinking, and much more.

Here's where we are with everything. Finalizing the illustrations should take us through August. There are 54 total, so it's a lengthy process. We're scheduled to start production on the decks around September 1st, which will put us at a mid-late October arrival at the Button Shy HQ. At that point, I'll start the shipping process.

We're on a solid track to hit the planned November delivery. Expect to receive surveys in October, once we have a confirmed arrival date.

I should have the stretch rewards here by next week, so expect some photos in the next update. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions let me know!